Health Promotion Primary Care Services

Primary Care North Las Vegas, NV

Primary care for your medical needs can keep you in good health and prevent serious issues. You can go to your family doctor if you are feeling sick, have suffered an injury, or want a checkup. The doctor can help with the physical, mental, and emotional needs of people of all ages. This type of care also extends to the prevention and promotion of a healthier lifestyle. If you are struggling to feel well, your doctor has the resources to get you on the right track.

When to see the primary care doctor

There are obvious occasions when a visit to the doctor’s office is necessary. When a person is battling a lingering illness or is struggling with pain, the doctor can diagnose the issue and treat it. People with ongoing health conditions will need the doctor to help manage the symptoms. Doctor’s visits can occur after injuries and accidents such as a broken bone or a cut.

People should visit the doctor annually for checkups. At certain ages, patients need health screenings. These include tests for cholesterol levels, bone density, and cancer screenings. Older patients will need these more frequently. The doctor is also available to help people who are contending with mental health problems.

Healthy eating

A person’s diet has a significant effect on their health. Eating foods high in fat and sugar can contribute to a wide range of issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Children can be prone to having a poor diet, but adults can struggle too. The primary care doctor can devise a healthy, well-balanced diet for patients. The doctor will encourage the patient to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains.

Exercise regimens

A patient does not have to be overweight or have a concerning health condition to feel the need to exercise. Children, teens, adults, and seniors need to be active to achieve wellness. At least 30 minutes of daily exercise will reduce the risk of diseases and poor health. The primary care doctor can help the patient start an exercise routine. This may include walking, lifting weights, or other aerobic exercises.

Mental health help

Any primary care physician will be as concerned about a patient’s mental health as their physical well-being. The doctor can assist patients in coping with stress and overcoming conditions such as depression and anxiety. To begin with, the doctor will discuss the patient’s symptoms, which may include feelings of gloominess, fear, or a lack of motivation. The doctor may then prescribe medication or take the person through therapy. It can also help to show the patient some relaxation and medication tactics to manage their emotional struggles.

You can achieve your healthy living goals

Nothing is more crucial than feeling well and having a good quality of life. If you are not happy with the way you look or feel, your primary care doctor can support you. To eat well, exercise effectively, or promote emotional wellness, see your family doctor. These services are available at any point during your life. Make an appointment today if you need encouragement or assistance.

Get more information about Encompass Care in North Las Vegas at or call us at (702) 514-4295.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Primary Care in North Las Vegas, NV.

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