Sports Physicals from an Urgent Care Clinic

Sports Physicals North Las Vegas, NV

If you need a sports physical to participate on a team this season, you do not necessarily have to look to a primary care physician only. You might be able to get this physical from an urgent care clinic. This visit has a few different components, and the medical team will evaluate various aspects of your health. It is helpful to know beforehand what to expect from this appointment so you can feel prepared and ready.

Understanding what an urgent care clinic does

When a person needs medical care, there are essentially three options. The patient could visit the primary care physician (also known as the family doctor), the emergency room, or an urgent care center. The choice depends on the nature of the ailment or need. Other factors such as the doctor’s availability or logistical consideration may also play a role in the decision of where to go.

An urgent care center provides help when a patient needs immediate attention for serious but not life-threatening conditions. These facilities are open on the weekends and holidays as well as later hours than a regular doctor’s office. The urgent care center does not require an appointment either. Plus, people can also get primary care such as blood tests, vaccinations, and physicals.

Basics of a sports physical

Sports physicals are evaluations from a qualified medical professional that determine whether a child or teen is physically prepared to play and compete. The physicals will assess a person’s fitness for a particular sport and whether there are health concerns. Some states require these exams to compete in school-sponsored sports. The physical protects the participant and helps the provider to spot injuries or diseases.

Exploring health history

At the beginning of the sports physical, the patient will fill out forms that explore the person’s health history. This gives the patient the chance to point out any health concerns they have had. These include breathing problems, seizures, past injuries, vision abnormalities, or headaches. The doctor will discuss these issues and also ask about medications the patient has taken or is taking.

Tests and measurements

Next, the doctor will take a series of tests and screenings to check for concerns with basic functions. The sports physical will include vision testing, hearing testing, and a blood pressure check. The doctor will measure the patient’s height and check the weight. The doctor will also look inside the person’s throat, nose, and ears to rule out any concerning health conditions.

Strength and flexibility

Playing sports can be demanding and taxing on the body. This is especially true at the high school and competitive levels. To make sure the participant’s body can stand up to the rigors, the doctor will also measure their strength and flexibility. Mobility testing is also part of the sports physical. The urgent care staff will look at the patient’s spine, neck, and back as well.

Get a clean bill of health

The last thing you want for yourself or for your son or daughter is to suffer an injury while playing sports. This can happen to anyone in any sport. But the chances are higher if the participant already has health concerns. To give you peace of mind, have a sports physical today.

Get more information here: or call Encompass Care at (702) 514-4295

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Sports Physical in North Las Vegas, NV.

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