Schedule a health check-up for your college-age children before they return to school. If your children head off to college, they are likely to spend a lot of time on their own and without much supervision. No matter the age, they need help from parents to maintain good health.
Most college students remain on their parents' health plan and are not thinking about things like whether or not to visit the doctor. Before these young adults begin their trek into the world of adulthood, have them seek a professional check-up.
This is an important time in life where the demands on them are far greater than ever before. Maintaining good health is critical to ensuring that a college student can focus on what they are learning, prepare for exams and meet other demands. These visits to a doctor make it possible to detect conditions and health problems before they get worse.
For example, things like diabetes are popping up at younger ages and if a student has it, it must be diagnosed in time to be treated. Otherwise, without the constant supervision of parents, health can deteriorate and reach a critical point. We can prevent serious health problems with a simple appointment prior to getting too far into the fall semester. Parents can also have peace of mind knowing that their child is going away to college or starting school with good health.
It is wise for young adults to visit a doctor and determine if there are any immunizations they need prior to going to college. If so, then we can schedule these accordingly.
It big can be difficult for parents to think about their college-age child being sexually active but this is a reality of life that it is better to prepare for. It is wise for young men and young women to have a conversation about reproductive health and sexual activity with a health professional who can provide medical guidance.
There are steps that should be taken in order to be safe and to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is easier for young adults to have this conversation with a medical professional than it is to their parents. Scheduling the appointment and allowing them to go by themselves and have those conversations is an important step of moving into adulthood.
Ensure that your child is ready to begin the next stage of life or prepared for their next year in college by scheduling a health check up for them. You can attend the appointment with them and if they are under eighteen, need to do so.
As a medical provider, we maintain great levels of professionalism and ensure that all of our patients, regardless of age, have the information they need to make empowered health decisions.
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